Sticky’s Finger Joint: Honey Barbeque Wings

Sticky’s Finger Joint: Honey Barbeque Wings

Sticky’s Finger Joint (#)
31 W 8th St.
New York

I am a chicken finger devotee. I like it plain or hot and spicy or with lots of garlic any time of the day. I like it. Period. Food is the hardest to write about, but just thinking of chicken fingers now inspires all these words to come out.

Blaise and Yen took us to one of their favorite post-drink noms spots in the city, which, to my delight, happened to serve fingers! Sticky’s Finger Joint is open ’til late in Greenwich Village, and that’s good news because folks in this city seem to be hungry 24/7.



Justin and I shared the Honey Barbeque Wings  (3 pcs for  $9.64) while Blaise and Yen had the Buffalo Balsamic Maple.



Sticky’s exudes a vibrant personality, small and cramped as it was. It felt like a secret place you only went to with the most familiar people in your life.

Wall art


In-store art and graffiti are not a new sight, but what caught my eye was the community artist freedom board that had a sticker promoting a band I followed years ago back in Manila. They’re called Turbogoth, and they had long been based in New York. Warm feelings from seeing that name on the wall!


Turbogoth is a duo indie band from Manila and now New York


Verdict: Would go back and order more than 3 pcs


Someday I’ll know why I took a pic of the receipt, but here you go.

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