life at play

VIDEO: How To Make Quinoa In A Rice Cooker

How To Make Quinoa In A Rice Cooker

Switching to quinoa is easier than you think! Watch this step-by-step clip on how to cook quinoa at home, made by yours truly.

How To Make Quinoa In A Rice Cooker

I tried my hand at cooking this one from Trader Joe’s. It was easy to make.

Trader Joe’s Organic Quinoa

How To Make Quinoa In A Rice Cooker

  1. Rinse

  2. Pour 1 cup of quinoa

  3. Pour 2 cups of water

  4. Boil

  5. Wait 5 to 10 mins before eating. Fluff. Enjoy!

Been wanting to try quinoa?

Coming soon: my quick start guide to switching to quinoa

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