My best friend, Dani, brought this home from Singapore:
100 grams of pu-erh tea from Yixing Xuan Teahouse!I had been working with her and our other friend on her wedding cards design (more about that soon) and she gave me tea as a gift. It really wasn’t necessary, but you just never turn down the gift of tea!
Hardened pu-erh tea from Yixing Xuan TeahouseThe only form of tea I’ve encountered were loose tea and teabags, so unwrapping the pu-erh and finding out that it came in hardened form was a delightful surprise. As you can see above, Yixing Xuan Teahouse’s pu-erh comes shaped like a chocolate doughnut wrapped in paper. It looks soft and chewy, but it really is this rock-hard, dried, and compressed leaves. I couldn’t break it with my hands. I tried slicing it with a knife and an ice pick, both to no avail. Running out of options from my tiny, under-equipped kitchen, I picked my cheese grater. Okay, this could work.
I started rubbing the block of pu-erh against the grater. It worked! I was seeing a mixture of powder-like to small shreds of pu-erh, something I was sure I could put in a strainer. So that was good enough for me.
Shreds of pu-erh tea, thanks to my cheese grater
Tea time!
My first batch of pu-erhI’m currently researching and asking around for the correct way to make this, because I’m sure as hell it isn’t with a cheese grater 😛 Tips?
you use a puerh pick, dear. can try zaping it in the microwave for 10 quick seconds. it should taste better if the leaves arent broken into bits. i also have a Golden Puerh you might want to try. wanna swap? hehehe
5 Replies to “Pu-erh tea at home”
you use a puerh pick, dear. can try zaping it in the microwave for 10 quick seconds. it should taste better if the leaves arent broken into bits. i also have a Golden Puerh you might want to try. wanna swap? hehehe
Oh, so that’s a thing! Checking out pu-erh picks on my next trip to a store. Great tip. Thanks!
In the mean time, ice pick an OK substitute?
yikes totally missed this post until now. how did the ice pick experiment go? you can try a letter opener, it is like a blunk knife no?
ano ba yan…spellchecker please i meant *blunt* knife
I meant zapping. lol. Check out my list of delicious teas at You just might find another favorite! 🙂